
Decide on a email automation tool (Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Userlist)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

raae commented

Both for newsletter sent to anyone (including users) signing up for it, and for user specific marketing as a welcome sequence for instance.

Is there a native Mailchimp + Stripe integration?

We would need to find a way to synchronize the want for the newsletter from Userbase to Mailchimp and vice versa. Or maybe let it be a more manual process for the user?

raae commented

With Mailchimp it is not possible to turn off tracking for all emails. Using Mailjet instead, but Mailchimp is easier to work with.

raae commented

Have decided on ConvertKit, made an account and got the tracking turned off.

I think you have completed this task 🤣

raae commented

Good observation @clareecker, but my dev heart is not digging it...

Will be looking into @userlist on stream on Sunday 4th.