
Infinite Timeline scroll

Opened this issue · 5 comments

raae commented

The user should be able to scroll infinitely back and forth

raae commented

Tested a framework on a stream, found a bug. Bug is supposedly fixed. Try again.

raae commented

Would you like to look at this @SaraVieira.

I worked on this on a stream, found a bug and then let it be. I think the work I did is on a branch on my computer, but will be behind by a lot. If you watch the stream let me know what I called the branch and I'll find it and push it.

The framework is https://virtuoso.dev/. I remembered I had to structure the AppLayout/AppPage etc a lot to make it work with the "global" scroll bar.

The inspiration comes from the schedule view in the google calendar app for some reference.

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  • Janky back to today #207
raae commented

Are you working on this this week @SaraVieira?

Yes i am :D