
2020 portfolio with trendy webdev stacks

Primary LanguageTypeScript

portfolio renewal project

run in local environment

# there are several ways of running the cluster in local environment.

# 1. run by shell command
cd api
source runDevLocal.sh

cd front-admin
yarn dev

cd front-www
yarn devLocal

# 2. run by Docker-Swarm without Traefik
docker-compose -f local.noproxy.docker-compose.yaml up
docker-compose -f local.noproxy.docker-compose.yaml down

# 3. run by Docker-Swarm with Traefik(currently not working, Google API rejects localhost with subdomain)
# docker-compose -f local.proxy.docker-compose.yaml up
# docker-compose -f local.proxy.docker-compose.yaml down

# 4. run by Kubernetes, Docker Desktop(currently not fully supported)
# kubectl apply -f local.k8.yaml

deployment in production environment

cd terraform-prod
# variable file(.tfvars) and sshkey file are necessary for deployment
# make emtpy token.txt file for later use
touch token.txt
# create terraform variable file(.tfvars) with secrets
vi terraform.tfvars
# create sshkey
sshkey -f mykey

terraform init

# check if file is valid
terraform validate
terraform plan

# deploy
terraform apply

# accessing ssh
ssh -i mykey root@${SWARM_MANAGER_IP}
# terraform-prod/terraform.tfvars
# digital ocean secret key
do_token = "..."
public_ssh_key_location = "./mykey.pub"
private_ssh_key_location = "./mykey"
# docker id for accessing private repository
docker_id = "..."
docker_password = "..."



  • Golang build suffers from huge image size, due to gcc
  • burst of actions in short time span causes missing tables for sqlite in-memory DB

further goals

  • backend: cached DB(redis) or cached full-text search engine support(meilisearch) is required
  • backend: GORM v2 upgrade is required
  • backend: rigorous stress test is required
  • backend: detailed performance monitoring is required(Jaeger)
  • frontend: SWR is required
  • frontend: add more D3.js element on frontend
  • frontend: integrate Cypress to CI
  • might need to adopt GraphQL(to lessen data restructuring from frontend side)

what I've learned

  • don't use docker :scratch build unless it's necessary. If you feel tempted, don't.
  • traefik doesn't have static file serving feature. Any files should be served via nginx and proxied by traefik; it's perfectly normal.
  • Google OAuth redirection regex is weird. It seems the regex differentiates subdomain(xxx.abcd.efg) and top-level(abcd.xxx) domain by the numbers of dots! due to this, subdomain can't be tested in local environment.
  • next.js doesn't fully support redux on server side. It's implmented hackishly at current moment; it will be replaced with SWR.
  • traefik has some missing instructions on their documents
    • must add internal overlay network on each service
    • all the networks must be explicitly registered on traefik label: traefik.docker.network=my_network