
Intermittent bug: window tag/attach doesn't always work

dkogan opened this issue · 3 comments

This has been bugging me for at least 10 years. It happens intermittently: once every few weeks I'll see this. Have not been able to reproduce reliably. If you have any ideas, that would be great. Relevant config:

defbindings("WMPlex.toplevel", {
    kpress(META.."space", WRegion.set_tagged(_sub, 'toggle')", "_sub:non-nil"),
defbindings("WFrame.toplevel", {
    kpress(META.."Y", "ioncore.tagged_attach(_)"),

So I press META-space on some windows, then META-y in some other frame, and the windows move to that frame. Once every few weeks this doesn't work. I see the little tag marks in the source windows, but META-y doesn't do anything. I then need to untag/retag the source windows, and it works then. Any ideas or debugging suggestions?

I think I've run into this (and a few similar issues) and my usual workaround is to open the menu and do session/restart, then it works. I assume that's your workaround as well?

I think I've seen this every once in a while as well, and it works again after untagging and re-tagging the window I want to move.

buhl commented

Ditto. I will also untag/tag to get it working again. Haven't noticed any pattern either.