
add horizontal and inline form helpers to input.cljs

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I had this unfinished code in the project and wanted to pull it out before I release. These make it easier to generate inline forms. Currently the user has to write their own :wrapper-classname and :label-classnames with bootstrap knowledge. Not a problem, but we can make it easier.

;; ## Helpers

(defn make-horizontal
  "Adds suitable container boundaries for a horizontal form
  field. TODO: Give this thing custom arguments."
  (assoc item
    :label-classname "col-xs-2"
    :wrapper-classname "col-xs-10"))

;; ## In Progress and Examples

(sm/defn inline-fields
  "TODO: Add an inline-fields helper that can build a group of
  these. Some help on how to do this with bootstrap 3:
  [inputs :- [Input]]

(def example-fields
  [{:type "text" :addon-before "$"
    :help "Label before the input field."}
   {:type "text" :label "Your Address:"
    :label-classname "col-sm-3"
    :wrapper-classname "col-sm-5"}
   {:type "text" :addon-after ".00"
    :label "label!"
    :help "Label AFTER the input field."}
   {:type "text" :addon-before "$" :addon-after ".00"
    :help "Label both before and after the input field."}
   {:type "text" :bs-style "success" :label "Success" :feedback? true}
   {:type "text" :bs-style "warning" :label "Warning" :feedback? true}
   {:type "text" :bs-style "error" :label "Error" :feedback? true}
    {:type "select"
     :label "Pick Events"
     :children (map (fn [i]
                      (d/option {:value i} i))
                    (range 10))
     :selected 3})])