
Usage example of the @fauna-labs/serverless-fauna plugin for the Serverless Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT No AttributionMIT-0

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Fauna Serverless Framework plugin usage example

Serverless quick start Serverless Fauna plugin Fauna get started

Structure of this repository

  • fql - Fauna Query Language (FQL) queries used in serverless.yml.
  • functions - AWS Lambda functions for accessing your database.
  • jsonSchemas - Used to specify the request shape for Amazon API Gateway.
  • seed - A Lambda function to populate your database with demo data.


  • Create an empty database in the Fauna dashboard.
  • Create an Admin key for your new database and copy the generated secret.
  • Copy .env.sample to .env and paste the generated secret as the FAUNA_SECRET value.
  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Run serverless fauna deploy to create the Fauna collections, indexes, roles, and functions in your database.
  • Run serverless invoke local --function seed to seed your database with demo data.

Deploy to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

serverless deploy

After you deploy, you have the following database schema populated with the demo data from the seed directory.

    data: [
    data: [
    data: [Role("customer")]
    data: [Ref(Ref("functions"), "submit_order")]

The Serverless Framework also creates an Amazon API Gateway REST API and Lambda functions and connects them together.

Endpoint Function Description
GET /products list_products Return list of all products
POST /customers register Customer registration
POST /customers/login login Exchange customer credentials to secret
POST /orders submit_order Customer purchase product(s)
GET /orders customer_orders Return list of customer orders

Invoke functions locally

Customer registration

serverless invoke local \
  --function register \
  --data '{"body": "{\"email\":\"test@fauna.com\",\"password\":\"111111\",\"address\":{\"street\":\"72 Waxwing Terrace\",\"city\":\"Washington\",\"state\":\"DC\",\"zipCode\":\"20002\"},\"creditCard\":{\"network\":\"Visa\",\"number\":\"4916112310613672\"}}"}'

Exchange customer credentials for an application secret

serverless invoke local \
  --function login \
  --data '{"body": "{\"email\":\"test@fauna.com\",\"password\":\"111111\"}"}'

Copy the secret/id values to use as replacements for the CUSTOMER_SECRET/CUSTOMER_ID placeholders in the following requests.

Return a list of all products

All products

serverless invoke local \
  --function list_products \
  --data '{"headers": {"secret": "CUSTOMER_SECRET"}}'

All products, sorted by price (low to high)

serverless invoke local \
  --function list_products \
  --data '{"queryStringParameters": {"priceSort": "low-to-high"}, "headers": {"secret": "CUSTOMER_SECRET"}}'

Products available in a specified store

serverless invoke local \
  --function list_products \
  --data '{"queryStringParameters": {"storeId": "303"}, "headers": {"secret": "CUSTOMER_SECRET"}}'

Submit one customer order

serverless invoke local \
  --function submit_order \
  --data '{"headers": {"secret": "CUSTOMER_SECRET"},"body": "{\"products\":[{\"productId\":\"209\",\"quantity\":1}]}"}'

List all customer orders

serverless invoke local \
  --function customer_orders \
  --data '{"headers": {"secret": "CUSTOMER_SECRET"}}'

Copyright Fauna, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0