
el is not defined

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Just started getting this since the new fixes:

ReferenceError: el is not defined
at _classList.add (vue-inview.js?0bdf:61)
at _$elinview (vue-inview.js?0bdf:573)
at inserted (vue-inview.js?0bdf:677)
at callHook$1 (vue.esm.js?65d7:5855)
at callInsert (vue.esm.js?65d7:5797)
at wrappedHook (vue.esm.js?65d7:1886)
at Object.invoker [as insert] (vue.esm.js?65d7:1817)
at invokeInsertHook (vue.esm.js?65d7:5541)
at Vue$3.patch [as patch] (vue.esm.js?65d7:5744)
at Vue$3.Vue._update (vue.esm.js?65d7:2450)

Using latest chrome.
It's erroring on this:


error fix. Last version has been fix error "undefined classList" in old browser but maybe some feature or animation not run or firing just for first time. problem on old browser will be fix soon.