
Instances of group-box-panel% fail to show inside some panels in Windows

daniig opened this issue · 0 comments

The following example reproduces an inconsistency in the behavior of (at least) the combination of auto-vscroll and group-box-panel% between Windows and the other two platforms.

In macOS and Linux, group-box-panels show as expected when placed inside a vertical-panel, regardless of the style parameters of the vertical-panel.

In Windows, the group-box-panel fails to show when the parent vertical-panel has auto-vscroll as one of the style parameters.

Any other widgets inside the problematic panel (such as message% or button%) seem to behave as expected in all platforms.

What version of Racket are you using?
8.5 [cs]

What program did you run?
This short program reproduces the bug. See the attached Linux and Window screenshots for further comparison.

#lang racket/gui

(define test-frame-1 (new frame% [label "Test with auto-vscroll"] [width 512] [height 512]))
(define parent-frame-1 (new vertical-panel% [parent test-frame-1] [style '(auto-vscroll)]))
(define group-box-panel-1 (new group-box-panel% [parent parent-frame-1] [label "Hello world"]))
(define test-message-1 (new message% [parent parent-frame-1] [label "Test message"]))
(send test-frame-1 show #t)

(define test-frame-2 (new frame% [label "Test without auto-vscroll"] [width 512] [height 512]))
(define parent-frame-2 (new vertical-panel% [parent test-frame-2]))
(define group-box-panel-2 (new group-box-panel% [parent parent-frame-2] [label "Hello world"]))
(define test-message-2 (new message% [parent parent-frame-2] [label "Test message"]))
(send test-frame-2 show #t)

Ubuntu screenshot
Windows screenshot