
Kibana/Elasticsearch version mismatch

Opened this issue · 3 comments

by default the version of ES being installed, v 1.4.4, is not compatible with the version of Kibana that is being installed


Any chance that we'll see a release when/if a fix is made for this? 🍰

Hi @boldandbusted -- elkstack is due for an update, based on the latest dependencies. I don't really have a time estimate though. I'd be glad to review PRs if you make an updates and want to contribute them back. Thanks!

Just as a head's up from my deep-dive yesterday:

  • I had some fun with berks stalling while trying to figure out dependencies, resolved itself at some point, was probably just my local environment.

  • the nginx cookbook which kibana depends on seems to be broke, you'll need to load chef_nginx to fix that problem, if you point your Berksfile at this branch for kibana it should work. Something like this:

    cookbook 'kibana_lwrp', git: 'git://github.com/evertrue/chef-kibana.git', branch: 'evertrue/eherot/switch_to_community_maintained_nginx_cookbook'
  • if you set the Elasticsearch version to something current, i tried 2.4.1, the plugin installs will fail. As far as I can tell it comes down to a syntax change in how the plugin installer is called. plugin install foo vs plugin -install foo

I ended up going with Digital Ocean's on-click ELK installs, which isn't perfect, but for my needs is currently sufficient.