
Update React Native installation instructions

Emilios1995 opened this issue · 32 comments

Seems that React Native works on top of react already. the issue facebook/react-native#2985 is already closed.
Can we already use React-Redux 4?

That change is not in the released version yet. In few days I guess...

The change is included in the newly released 0.18-rc (I haven't tested it with redux 4 yet), so hopefully not long to go!

alinz commented

OK, I got react-redux 4.0.6 to work with react-native, it will be available in example-react-native-redux.

There are couple of steps need to be done which I hide them at the moment in package.json's postscript. Here's the details:

  1. react module in react-native/node_module must be deleted.
  2. fbjs module in react-native/node_modules must be deleted.
  3. fbjs module in react/node_modules must be deleted.
  4. fbjs module must be added as module to project in main package.json
  5. all .babelrc files must be deleted under node_module folder

There is a discussion here facebook/react-native#2985 (comment) which @spicyj talks about changing fbjs.

Also @gaearon I still need to remove all .babelrc files under node_modules before I can run the example-react-native-redux. What is your suggestion?

I don't have any suggestions here. Feedback from people more knowledgeable in RN is welcome.

Perhaps @ide or @spicyj could clarify the situation.

Purii commented

Before checking anything I just replaced import { connect } from 'react-redux/native' with import { connect } from 'react-redux'. Also updated the following:

import { Provider } from 'react-redux/native';
<Provider store={store}>    
  {() => <App/>}


import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
<Provider store={store}>    

I use the most recent version of react-redux:

"react-native": "^v0.18.0-rc",
"react-redux": "^4.0.6",
"redux": "^3.0.5",

I didn't need to change anything in the react-redux package. It just works, as expected by a tool from @gaearon ;-)

alinz commented

In npm 2.x, if you define peerDependencies, it will install it in your root node_modules. react-redux has a peerDependency to react and react-native has react module. if you start the app using react-native start, haste will throw an exception that fbjs on react has a conflict with fbjs in react-native. @Purii I would like to see an example from you. Would you create a repo and upload an example?

Maybe if we make react and fbjs peer deps of RN that'll help?

ide commented

@spicyj That's an interesting idea. Making react a peer dep sounds like it could be semantically correct. I think it's probably more correct that fbjs is a normal dependency though, and RN 0.19 may address the issue with conflicting fbjs modules with some patches that are being reviewed. (Alternatively npm3 fixes this too.)

Purii commented

@alinz I use npm@3

alinz commented

@Purii That should be it, since npm@3 promises flat node_modules. The only issue is that, not all modules in npmjs are compatible with npm@3. Thanks though for letting me know

@Purii thanks. your method works perfectly for me with npm@3

It works for me with npm@3

I think it's safer to modify the instructions if/after react-native is a peer of react.
@spicyj Plans to make this happen?

Send a PR? Should be pretty simple.

zuk commented

For those here looking for a solution for react-redux, everything is working great for me with react-native-0.19.0-rc and npm3, but definitely not with npm2.

ide commented

The fbjs commits didn't make it into 0.19 so stay tuned for 0.20 or 0.21.

To be fair, the problems at this point that result from using react-native@0.18 and react-redux@4 are entirely bugs within the dependency resolver the react-native bundle operation performs. They are in no way unique to react-redux. They do go away with npm@3; because, it no longer has the duplicate dependencies.

@zuk @alinz How did it work for you guys?
This is the error I get:

Unable to resolve module react from /Users/ranyefet/Code/yesno/ios-app/node_modules/react-redux/lib/components/Provider.js: Invalid directory /Users/node_modules/react

I'm using NPM3 with these dependencies:

"react-native": "^0.19.0",
"redux": "^3.2.1",
"react-redux": "^4.2.1",

I don't have react dependency in my package.json (should I have?)
Please anyone help :)

Yes, you’d need to depend on react. When you do, make sure to delete node_modules/react-native/node_modules/react so you don’t end up with two of them.

@gaearon Thanks Dan, looks like it's working :)

But, now I get a different error:

Unable to resolve module LinkedStateMixin from /Users/ranyefet/Code/yesno/ios-app/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/react-native/react-native.js: Invalid directory /Users/node_modules/LinkedStateMixin

Which seems there's no solution yet :(

Unfortunately I can’t really help you with this! Hopefully this will be fixed.

Yeah I know it's not related to this repo, just ranting 😞
Thanks anyway!

alinz commented

@ranyefet we do have react@0.14.5 as our dependency in our project. make sure to delete node_modules folder and try again. and here is my react-native module as a reference.

screen shot 2016-02-04 at 11 49 42 am

my npm version is 3.6.0
my node version is v5.5.0

Thanks @alinz upgrading Node to 5.5 appear to fixed other issues I had, weird!

So, what's going on? Are we still waiting for react-native to be a peer of react?

If anyone encountered same problems, here is a way worth to try:

  1. DELETE FULL node_module directory
  2. edit you package.json, react-native@19 and react-redux@4
  3. make sure your npm@3
  4. npm install

with a refreshed install and see if it works

So, what's going on? Are we still waiting for react-native to be a peer of react?

Yes. AFAIK it is already the case in master. Just waiting for the next release.

Good! But wasn't it included in 0.20? @gaearon do you recommend reinstalling the modules to make it work right now?

skevy commented

@gaearon working on it :) We'll know by Friday if "React as as a peer dep" is going to make it into the 0.21-RC branch cut.

Thanks for the ping. Trust me, we're working hard to get this stuff worked out and make React Native a better member of the general React ecosystem.

I have no doubts about your efforts, thank you very much for working on this!

The note in README now says you can use react-redux@4.x just fine. I’ll add a clarification that you should be careful to avoid ending up with two reacts.