
Error: Mismatched template version! Please ensure you are using the latest version of Ractive.js in your build process as well as in your app

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I was checking out the edge version of Ractive, and was unable to rebuild my RVC based components. It looks like RVC is still checking for version 1 (https://github.com/ractivejs/rvc/blob/master/rvc.js#L237), which is fine, I was just curious of a couple things.

When do you think we'll get a version of RVC for template v3?
Should RVC even care about the template version? Doesn't it rely on ractive to handle all the template processing?

Seems to be the day for this question, see #7 (comment) for my opinion

But more broadly, yes it would ideally be independent from the version of ractive.