
why the velocity, range, intensity (...) is always zero?

luissantos27 opened this issue · 4 comments


I am trying to use the device AWR1843 BOOST. However, the fields for the range profile, the data I need to work, are always zero:
Also, how can I change this for the 2D configuration?

  seq: 1265
    secs: 1591712679
    nsecs:  33523020
  frame_id: "ti_mmwave"
point_id: 2
x: 2.1605360508
y: -0.458005964756
z: 1.04359507561
range: 0.0
velocity: 0.0
doppler_bin: 0
bearing: 0.0
intensity: 0.0

Turns out that velocity was Zero because the radar was not moving... Sorry for that.

As the rest, I have seen commented lines in code and that the information is in another place. I will not close this now because I still dont have the information I need

I have got the information I need. You are not getting the Range profile vector, but it is there on the UART information.

I added this line in the Switch Statement:


              uint16_t  v[256];
              memcpy( v, &currentBufp->at(currentDatap), sizeof(uint16_t)*256);