
Can AWR1642 boost capture the z-coordinate?

Carbord opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I want to know whether the coordinate of three axes can be obtained while using the board of AWR1642ES2.0 EVM. Or just the x,y-coordinate can be captured? Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

Hi there! 1642 unfortunately doesn't have an elevation channel, so we will only get the x (depth) and y (horizontal/azimuth)...you can get the z coordinate using an 1843 though.

Hi there! 1642 unfortunately doesn't have an elevation channel, so we will only get the x (depth) and y (horizontal/azimuth)...you can get the z coordinate using an 1843 though.

1642 can't get the elevation estimation, but 1642ODS can. I got this information from https://e2echina.ti.com/question_answer/analog/other_analog/f/60/t/197883?tisearch=e2e-sitesearch&keymatch=AWR1642