
Error running last code:[ERROR] [1619177232.670432804]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command failed (mmWave sensor did not respond with 'Done')

future-zy opened this issue · 8 comments

The error code like this.The method you mentioned in readme has been tried several times but failed. Can you help me if you have any successful one

thanks !,i succeed! Beacuse My TI 1443boost is ES3.0,when i use my .lauch file to instead of yours , the result is wonderful!

Sometimes I encounter the same situation. But just wait for minutes, it will work.

thanks !,i succeed! Beacuse My TI 1443boost is ES3.0,when i use my .lauch file to instead of yours , the result is wonderful!

Awesome! Generally this seems to occur when there is a .cfg parameter incompatibility with the firmware version. Glad you fixed it! Please mark the issue closed if the issue no longer persists.

Awesome! Generally this seems to occur when there is a .cfg parameter incompatibility with the firmware version. Glad you fixed it! Please mark the issue closed if the issue no longer persists.

Are you sure? It seems to me that some stray bytes sneak into the command from somewhere:
[ERROR] [1620903455.874361451]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Response: 'sensorStop '????????????~' is not recognized as a CLI command
I think it would be good to fix it properly. For me it only happens after the first run of the pkg after boot, but not for subsequent runs.

thanks !,i succeed! Beacuse My TI 1443boost is ES3.0,when i use my .lauch file to instead of yours , the result is wonderful!

From my experience, your change of cfg did not fix it, but rather that it happens the first time after boot-up, so when you changed to cfg it was the 2nd time.

Hacky fix is to send \n in mmWaveCommSrv::onInit(). The "stray bytes" from my answer above are then captured in /*Read any previous pending response(s)*/

Hacky fix is to send \n in mmWaveCommSrv::onInit(). The "stray bytes" from my answer above are then captured in /*Read any previous pending response(s)*/

I'm having the same issue with my first launch. Can you explain it further? How do we send \n in mmWaveCommSrv::onInit()?

Hi @pens0001
I am also having the same problem. did you solve the problem?
I am using AWR1642 mmwave radar module.
Does mmwave sdk version matters? I am using latest version mmwave sdk.
if anyone solve this issue kindly help me.

Thank You.

Screenshot from 2022-08-24 13-56-39