
Outputting the Range and doppler_bin values

HichriAyoub opened this issue · 1 comments


although the project doesnt output doppler_bin range and bearing i was able to change somethings in the header file and the datahandlerclass.cpp to make it possible to have the bearing but im still having problem with the other 2 it is actually outputting the index of range and doppler_bin here is the code i am using

radarscan.range = mmwData.newObjOut.range * vrange;
radarscan.velocity = mmwData.newObjOut.v 
radarscan.doppler_bin = mmwData.newObjOut.doppler;

the outputs im getting are these :

  seq: 4706
    secs: 1648822232
    nsecs: 384347895
  frame_id: "ti_mmwave_0"
point_id: 1
x: 0.5450921058654785
y: -0.3482675850391388
z: 0.5625860691070557
range: 4775.673828125
velocity: -1.476569414138794
doppler_bin: 38806
bearing: -32.57512664794922
intensity: 47.127925872802734

Does anyone know how to solve this

The issue was resolved by myself all i had to do was add a

float range in mmwaveCloudtype

then add 2 simple code for range doppler and range that you will find here

                    RScan->points[i].range = sqrt(radarscan.x*radarscan.x +
                        radarscan.y*radarscan.y + radarscan.z*radarscan.z);

                    radarscan.range = sqrt(radarscan.x*radarscan.x +
                        radarscan.y*radarscan.y + radarscan.z*radarscan.z);
                    radarscan.velocity = mmwData.newObjOut.velocity;
                    radarscan.doppler_bin = (uint16_t)(
                        mmwData.objOut.dopplerIdx + nd / 2);

Hope it will be usefull to someone