
Fixes in order to make this work with Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic

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Hello, I was having issues getting this package to work but the following changes have made it work, just leaving this here to help other that might have the same issues:

  1. change /src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/CMakeLists.txt to use C++14: add_definitions(-std=c++14)
  2. change the .cfg fields to match the version of the SDK on the board, use this tool for SDK 2.1 for example
  3. I had a recurring error while parsing the config file where all the parameters were being sent correctly but the command SensorStart was not returning "Done". In order to fix this I added a small delay between sending parameters in the "/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/src/mmWaveQuickConfig.cpp": ros::Duration(0.2).sleep(); // sleep for a small time in line 38, right after this "if":
    // ROS_INFO("mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: '%s'", srv.request.comm.c_str() ); if (client.call(srv)) {

With these changes everything is working fine for me in ROS Noetic.

Dear Toalha,
Thx for your information.