
[ERROR] Client [/rostopic_26848_1560959704052] wants topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan to have datatype/md5sum

senguptaa opened this issue · 3 comments

When I roslaunch 1642_es1_shortrange, rviz shows the points..rostopic list also shows all the topics..but when I try to echo /ti_mmwave/radar_scan I get the following error

[ERROR] [1560959704.267214768]: Client [/rostopic_26848_1560959704052] wants topic /ti_mmwave/radar_scan to have datatype/md5sum [ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan/a4d09446d2fc17ce80358b29d25af8b6], but our version has [ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan/7a726cbc7d2934bb55d96dada9040f86]. Dropping connection.

Have you experienced this issue before? Any suggestions?

Have you source setup.bash in devel folder? It is a version error. Please source correct msg type.

I am positive that I sourced the right setup.bash file. I will try again. Thanks!

What I read from the ERROR is from md5sum, which is come from versions of that msg file. Have you tried source in the ~/.bashrc?