
Rap not adding text comments as expected

Maijin opened this issue · 2 comments

From @bannsec

I'm attempting to use rap protocol to add comments to a remote r2 server. The setup is:

  • r2 ./binary
  • =&:12345

Then in a second window (in python):

r2 = r2pipe.open("rap://")
r2.cmd('T test')

Oddly enough, when I do a r2.cmd('T') in the python window, it shows the text. But when i just do T in the r2 window, it does not show the text.

I'd like to be able to send text/other remote commands to the r2 server that update that r2 instance.


still? we probably want to have an r2pipe testsuite... would u like to help on that?

because that works fine for me

$ python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Feb 22 2019, 21:55:15)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.37.14)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import r2pipe
>>> r2 = r2pipe.open("rap://")
Connected to: at port 12345
>>> r2.cmd('T test')
>>> r2.cmd('?E Hello')
u" .--.     .-------.\n |   \\    |       |\n | O o   <  Hello |\n |   | /  |       |\n |  ( /   `-------'\n |   / \n `--'\n"
>>> r2.cmd('T')
u'1 test\n'