
Python wrapper for the Liquid Planner API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Python wrapper for the Liquid Planner REST API.

The code is inspired by PyXero, and aims to offer an ORM style of accessing the API.


The library is available on PyPI and can be installed with either pip or easy_install:

pip install pyliquidplanner

Alternatively, if you'd like to install the latest from source:

pip install --upgrade https://github.com/impulse-cloud/pyliquidplanner/tarball/master


In addition to the instructions shown here, you will need to follow the Liquid Planner API Guide and the Types Documentation to see which fields are available.

Use your Liquid Planner login to construct some credentials:

>>> from liquidplanner.auth import BasicCredentials
>>> credentials = BasicCredentials(<email>, <password>)

Then create an API instance:

>>> from liquidplanner import LiquidPlanner
>>> lp = LiquidPlanner(credentials)

You can then access the various types of entities by name. For example, here is a list of all the projects in your workspace:

>>> projects = lp.projects.all()
>>> for p in projects:
>>>     print p['name']


With the exception of account and workspaces, all other entities require a workspace to be specified. When instantiated, the API requests a list of available workspaces and defaults to the first returned. You can disable this check by passing the use_first_workspace argument.

>>> lp = LiquidPlanner(credentials, use_first_workspace=False)

You must then set the API's workspace_id manually.

>>> workspaces = lp.workspaces.all()
>>> lp.workspace_id = workspaces[1]['id']

Using the API

The following entities are supported at present:

  • Account
  • Workspaces
  • Activities
  • Checklist Items
  • Clients
  • Comments
  • Custom Fields
  • Documents
  • Events
  • Folders
  • Links
  • Members
  • Milestones
  • Packages
  • Projects
  • Tags
  • Tasks
  • Teams
  • Timesheets
  • Tree Items
  • Webhooks


This library wraps the objects returned in a dict like object. This is done so that related items can be accessed via the objects returned (see Associated Objects below). Otherwise the data is returned as-is, except for dates which are converted into Python datetime.datetime objects.

Use all() to get a full list of entities.

>>> all_clients = lp.clients.all()

Most API options are supported, including:

  • include - fetch related entities too
  • filters - filter the list of items returned
  • order - sort order of results
  • limit - limit the number of objects returned

Use get() to fetch a specific entity by id.

>>> client = lp.clients.get(1234)

Most API options are supported, including:

  • include - fetch related entities too
  • depth - max depth when fetching tree items


Use create() to insert a new entity.

Note: The LiquidPlanner REST API requires the data to be wrapped with the single entity name. For example {'client': {'name': 'My Client'}}. This library takes care of the outer part, so you only need to worry about {'name': 'My Client'}}.

>>> client = lp.clients.create({'name': 'My Client'})


Updating records is similar to creating, but the record id must be supplied.

>>> client = lp.clients.update(1234, {'name': 'New Client Name'})

Associated Objects

The objects returned by all() and get() look and behave like Python dicts, but have a few properties available that allow access to associated objects. These properties have all the functionality of the main API endpoints.

For example, you can retrieve comments for a given task:

>>> task = lp.tasks.get(1234)
>>> comments = task.comments.all()

Or create a comment for a given task:

>>> task = lp.tasks.get(1234)
>>> comment = task.comments.create({"description": "This is my comment"})

Updating and deleting works similarly.

Note: This functionality is not available when you use the include parameter to make associated objects available for an all() or get() request. Only the outer object(s) have associated objects available.

Convenience Methods

For certain objects, the API supports various convenince methods. The wrapper does not attempt to filter the convenience methods to their applicable object types, it is up to the developer to use the Liquid Planner API Guide.

Supported convenience methods:

  • Tree Items
    • Update Assignment
    • Reorder Assignments
    • Delete Assignment
  • Events, Projects, Tasks, etc.
    • Move Before / After
  • Tasks
    • Package Before / After
    • Track Time
    • Timer Start / Stop / Commit / Clear
  • Documents
    • Thumbnail
    • Download
  • Workspaces
    • Comment Stream
    • Upcoming Tasks
    • Changes


This library is very new and still a work in progress. Some things I would like to support in future include:

  • Support for the 'convenience methods' (e.g. assignments, re-ordering)
  • Save and retrieve of attachments
  • More tests


To run the unit tests, run the following from the root directory of the project:

$ python setup.py test

This is will install any test dependencies (Mock) into your environment and execute the unit tests.


Contributions are most welcome by submitting a pull request. Please try to include test coverage of any new features or bug fixes.

If you have any problems with PyLiquidPlanner, you can log an issue on GitHub.