
Notice: Undefined variable: qp in feedwordpress/syndicatedlink.class.php on line 747

zoul0813 opened this issue · 5 comments

When using "update checked" manually, I receive the following error repeated numerous times:

Notice: Undefined variable: qp in .../feedwordpress/syndicatedlink.class.php on line 747

I checked the code, and it appears the $gp is only defined inside of the conditional check

// line 726
if (!is_null($uri) and strlen($uri) > 0 and $params['add_params']) :

$gp should be declared outside of the block, with a default value (null?) and then set inside this conditional to prevent this error.

This happens on one of the sites I use FWP on, but not another.

Thanks ! Am getting the same error. What would that code look like?

Just placing a

$qp = NULL;

Before the line 747 that is looking for that var?

before line 726

Same problem. I put
$qp = null;
before the if loop on line 726.

Can this be fixed in the next update?

Oh pretty please include this in a release soon. FeedWordPress is the sweetest plugin ever, but this tiny buglet causes me and clients major upgrade headaches :-)

Hey y'all,

Thanks for the heads-up on this issue. I have just pushed a fix for this to the main branch (7d3aeae), which you can get with a git pull. I will be putting out a release through the Subversion repository that encompasses this change probably later today.
