
Learn Page object model (POM) with Cypress in two simple steps

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learn "Page object model" with cypress in two simple steps

#1 This is the first example with simple abstraction

Really simple just abstract your selectors

So here is the difference:
  • example without POM here
    describe('given `Customer service` page', () => {
        before(() => {
        context('when user clicks on `My orders` button', () => {
            before(() => {
                cy.get('[alt="Meine Bestellungen"]').click();
            it('should navigate user to `Login` page', () => {
                cy.get('.a-form-label').should('contain.text', 'E-Mail-Adresse');
  • second one with POM here
    describe('given `Customer service` page', () => {
        before(() => {
        context('when user clicks on `My orders` button', () => {
            before(() => {
            it('should navigates user to `Login` page and assert Email-Address input label', () => {
                cy.get(loginPage.emailAddersInputTextLabel()).should('contain.text', 'E-Mail-Adresse');
The diagram shows us:
  • dependencies where we are keeping our locators/selectors

#2 The second example with improvements for complex pages and with lot of elements on it.

amazon home page section

  • without POM improvements here
import {Desktop1} from '../page-objects/HomePage/Desktop1'
import {Desktop2} from '../page-objects/HomePage/Desktop2'
import {Desktop3} from '../page-objects/HomePage/Desktop3'
import {Desktop4} from '../page-objects/HomePage/Desktop4'

describe('Amazon test with POM improvements', () => {
    const section1 = new Desktop1();
    const section2 = new Desktop2();
    const section3 = new Desktop3();
    const section4 = new Desktop4();
  • example with POM improvements here
import {HomePage} from '../page-objects/HomePage'

describe('Amazon test with POM improvements', () => {
    const homePage = new HomePage();
    const section1 = homePage.getDesktop1();
    const section2 = homePage.getDesktop2();
    const section3 = homePage.getDesktop3();
    const section4 = homePage.getDesktop4();

General benefit from this structure is:

  • Reusability of the same selectors/locator in different classes/tests
  • Clear and more readable architecture
  • Easy to fix failed tests by fixing locator/selector in one place
  • and etc...


  • npx cypress open