
Create GET /api/items unit test

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Create a full-fledged unit test for the GET /api/items route. This unit test should follow best practice standards for what a unit test is: ensure that all functions called by GET /api/items route are mocked (use the ItemsFactory to your advantage here). This test may end up being quite simple considering that GET /api/items at this time is a wrapper for a drizzle query. Research best standards for writing unit tests, this first set of unit tests will be the standard reference point for other GET requests down the line.

Acceptance Criteria

Generated by Zenhub AI

  • Scenario: GET /api/items unit test
  • Given a GET request is made to /api/items
  • When the request is processed
  • Then all functions called by GET /api/items route are mocked using the ItemsFactory
  • And the test follows best practice standards for writing unit tests