
Could you implement a TorStatus-Info service [by plymouth output]??

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Needet deb packages are plymouth and vnstat

Creating a endless loop with somethink like this as systemd.service:


TorStatusService-Code on /usr/bin/torstatus-plymouth should have somethink insert like this,

output = Tor Gateway Interface GatewayInterfaceName Connection State: $(curl $testurl --proxy socks5:$gatewayip:port &> /dev/null && curl $testurl2 --proxy socks5:$gatewayip:port &> /dev/null && echo 'WORKING' || echo 'NOT WORKING')
plymouth --text="$output"

plymouth --text="Tor-Gateway usage:"
plymouth --text="$(vnstat -l -i $INTERFACE)"
plymouth --text="$(vnstat -i $INTERFACE)"

  • also a quick restart of the rpi-gateway with ctrl+alt+del (two times) and restart of a tor service by somethink like ctrl+r

from "man plymouth"
watch-keystroke OPTION
Become sensitive to a keystroke.

           Command to send keystroke to via standard input

           Keys to become sensitive to