
`sshd` is enabled and running, but port 22 is not allowed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,
I hope you guys are having a good time.
Also, thank you for investing time in this amazing project!

I was playing around with TorBox and I noticed that SSH server was not reachable from eth0. It seemed like iptables for port 22 was not allowing the incoming traffic. I manually allowed port 22 and ran iptables-save, it fixed it up until a system reboot.

Even trying to expose ssh to the internet fixed the problem temporarily up to a system reboot.
Something in the startup scripts is flushing the iptables rules. Im using v052 on an RPI3B.
Could you please have a look into it or help me figure out what im missing here?

If I understand you correctly, you want to connect the TorBox with SSH from/through the Internet?

no, i just want to be able to connect with an ssh client on the Lan network to torbox's ssh server inorder to configure or have control over it. The issue is that port 22 tcp is blocked due to the wrong iptables rules. Something on the startup, flushes the iptables rules that i manually set to allow port 22 tcp. @radio24

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables-save
# ssh works now
sudo reboot
#ssh now does not work, have to run these commands again!


If your client is connected to eth0 and your internet is coming, let's say, from wlan0, there is no need to manually reconfigure iptables. Just connect your cable with eth0 and then use in the main menu entry 7. However, also here, you have to do it every time after a reboot.

If you don't need TorBox's access point at all, you could first permanently disable TorBox's WLAN in the configuration menu entry 10, and then using menu entry 7.

In your approach, the following command in rc.local is resetting the configuration:
sudo /sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

Also, you are using iptables-save the wrong way. Try sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat". This will replace /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat which will be loaded during the reboot. However, if you choose a new Internet source in the main menu, iptables.ipv4.nat will be changed again.