
[R-T4.4-2] Export of different deployment model formats

v-yussupov opened this issue · 1 comments

ID R-T4.4-2
Section WP4: Modeling Environment
User Story As a Operations Engineer/Release Manager, I want to have support for different orchestration engines/tools.
Requirement The GMT could provide an option to export a blueprint in different formats to use other orchestration tools, such as OpenTOSCA or Terraform.
Extended Description To support applications modeller with additional options for orchestrating the deployment of modeled cloud applications, GMT could support export into different deployment model formats.
Means of Verification Direct testing using xOpera based on the case studies from T4.2
Dependency T5.1

By introducing a canonical data model in GMT (eclipse#465 and eclipse#523), two orchestrator formats are supported - RADON Orchestrator (xOpera) and OpenTOSCA