
[R-T4.3-6] Integration with other RADON tools

v-yussupov opened this issue · 3 comments

ID R-T4.3-6
Section WP4: Modeling Environment
User Story As a Software Designer/Software Developer/Operations Engineer, I want my modeling tool to support integrations to other ones.
Requirement A user should be able to trigger certain tools from the modeling tool.
Extended Description For example to trigger the decomposition tool or the verification tool.
Means of Verification Manual testing in the IDE.
Dependency T4.1; T3.2; T3.3

Does this include the ability to model CTT tests?

Hi @naesheim, #11 addresses specification of CTT test cases

Integration specific to GMT (export/import of CSARs) is solved in the context of eclipse#465 and eclipse#523.
The RADON tools integration is achieved by means of RADON IDE