
Implementation for Azure nodes

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The Azure related nodes seems to have no implementation.

is it possible to provide an implementation for:

  • An Azure FaaS triggered by a blob storage
  • an azure blob storage


hmm i didn't noticed those examples. i will try to validate them. thanks.

i think the node types implemented at https://github.com/radon-h2020/demo-tosca-blueprint-azure-function.git are what i need.
@cankarm @anzoman Can you please create a merge request so that i can access the Azure nodes from within the particles?

thanks in advance.

@giopnd aha I see that there's no modules for Azure Container and Container notification (FaaS trigger) in particles. @cankarm, @miwurster would it be okay if we supply these two modules (from Azure blueprint repo) to particles?

I think that this would be perfect, @anzoman. It seems that we have some pieces already in TPS, so some initial pieces are already done.

hi all,

is there any status update on this?
can i model Azure FaaS and blob storage using the radon-particles?

@giopnd yes this is under development and I will supply a new PR by the end of this week.

@giopnd I've created a PR that will implement Azure modules: #96.

PR is merged. Thanks for the contrib @anzoman!