
[R-T4.2-3] Data processing modeling

Closed this issue · 3 comments

ID R-T4.2-3
Section WP4: Modeling Environment
User Story As a Software Designer/Software Developer/Operations Engineer, I want to represent behavioral aspects (e.g. data pipelines, event flow) in my application models.
Requirement The models must be able to define different kinds of data processing tasks and control flow elements in order to express the behavior of my application.
Extended Description For example, jobs that process analytics data or moving files between different storage systems. Futher, the modeling of timed schedules must be supported.
Means of Verification Model review with partners and case study.
Dependency T5.4

@pjakovits could you please reference the PRs (at least the major ones) that resolve this issue?

This was resolved by #77 which added data pipeline-related node types for data analytics.

Resolved by #77