
Suggestion/Enhancement: Usage count & "replace this"

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I made a little graphic to visualize the idea.

Thing is, if you use a template skin (a download from your website, my own skin from a previous project, ...) there are several elements that shall change through the entire skin.
Be it drawables like Button backgrounds, radio or checkbox graphics, as well as (most likely) Fonts where the skin shall "stay as it is, but with a new font" or be it the color scheme.

So my suggestion is, that all the "list" dialogs (Project -> drawables, fonts, colors, ...) get a new information and a new action.

Information: "usage count" - how often is this particular element used in the skin?
Action: "replace this" (see picture)

I will gladly help impementing it if you can give me a jump start where to start, an overview of how the data is managed.

If your thought is "why should I replace a color with another? I can simply edit the color":
While this is true for colors, I can even rename them, this is not true for fonts (I had to replace a font from your skin with another that supports german umlauts) and this is a trip through hell because ALL styles break when you remove a font and you must click through every single style ... A replace feature would've saved me probably more time than it needs to implement this replace feature here once and for all.
And to stay generic/even through the elements, I would simply add that replace-button to each element, so the user sees this as a common task.



I'll have to ponder on this after the jam. Thanks for making the detailed description and graphic!