= Vimconfig This is my personal vim config, it uses 'pathogen' + 'git submodules' to manage the different plugins that are installed and being used. == Folder Structure 1) autoload/ This folder will contain only the pathogen extension, that will allow to manage the vim plugins without to much hassle 2) bundle/ All the plugins are installed here as git submodules, in order to make the plugins work after clone, you should do: git submodule init git submodule update NOTE: the vimproc extension *will require* to compile a makefile contained on the plugin folder in order to make it work. For more info check => :help vimproc 3) colors/ This folder will hold all the different colorschemes I've found so far over the webz the default one for terminal is wombat256, and the one for gvim is sunburst. 4) modules/ This folder will contain all the basic setup of the plugins, organized by a different file for each of the plugins that is being configured, there is also some files that configure the basics of vim. 5) tmp/ A folder that will hold temporal metadata for the installed plugins == Installed Plugins === Yankring This plugin will allow you to interact easily with the 'yank register' (aka yy, or y related commands). In order to get started please check => :help yankring-tutorial Handy shortcuts from Yankring: \y -> does a :YRShow === Rainbow Parenthesis Special for Lisp, Clojure coding, or overnested parenthesis, just use the '\r' command and you will get rainbow parenthesis, use '\r' again to reset to normal (Will work only on gvim) === Buffer Explorer This plugin will show you all the open buffers you are currently using, to get started just hit <C-b>, follow the instructions on the new buffer.