
A declarative variant generator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Projects using Barestyle:

Project Links
Bare Style Demo - https://rafaelnco.github.io/barestyle/
- https://github.com/rafaelnco/barestyle/blob/master/example/src/App.js
Seu Job - https://seujob.github.io/hot
- https://github.com/rafaelnco/seujob-entrega/blob/master/src/Appearance.js
- https://github.com/rafaelnco/seujob-entrega/blob/master/src/Components.js



  • You define the constraints, Bare Style creates the style variations

  • Works with and without Styled System/Components

  • Works on React JS and React Native

  • Define components like this:

  // enable or disable variants with a simple boolean
  const focused = true

  Button.Primary = props => (
    <Button primary-background {...props} />


  //now with hooks, check demo source
  <Container use-mouse pressIn={alert} />

  //barestyle understand different cases
  <Container justifyStart align-center full-height horizontal />

  <Container half-width flex vertical double-grow />

  Container.Row = <Container full-width horizontal />

  Text.Heading = <Text primary-foreground large-text />

  <Section lightest-filled-shadow justify-start>

  <Section five-height no-flow-horizontal flow-vertical quarter-skew >

  <Image src={logo} full-height absolute tenth-rotate />

  <Text primary-foreground heavy-text block light-textShadow>

  <Section wrap horizontal justify-center vertical-flow>


Getting started


1. Install


  • $ yarn add barestyle

2. Configure


  • create Appearance.js on home folder and choose a way:

  • The TL;DR Way: fill with this and follow to the next step

import { generator, applyAll, applyVariants, assemble } from 'barestyle'

/* will be using defaults, take a look at barestyle/defaults.js */
const variations = generator()

/* combine everything */
const assembled = assemble(variations)

/* create your own variant applier */
const bareStyle = props => applyVariants(assembled, props)

export { bareStyle };
  • The Lengthy Way: copy & paste this code block inside the file and customize as you please

We'll be using some basic tools of Bare Style. 

  Generator: generates the variants either for use with style prop or styled system props

  applyAll: this very method picks prop`s variant references and combine them in the resulting style

  defaults: a set of default definitions to quick start Bare Style set up

import { generator, applyAll, defaults, assemble } from "barestyle";

/* Types are used to define Values */
const { color, scale } = defaults.types;

/* Unit is the basic dimension converter used in Transformations, can also be used to implement Pixel Perfect */
const unit = value => `${value}vmax`;

/* Variations are the final resulting set of names + styles from generator() */
const variations = {};

/* Proprietary Definitions that vary between projects */
const proprietaryDefinitions = {}

/* Types are derivated from values.dimension scale (will be changed in v2) and can be combined in Transformations. Types can also apply their own transformations */
proprietaryDefinitions.types = {
  /* derived types require a base type declaration */
  spacing: spacing => ({ 
    spacing: 5 * spacing
  border: border => ({ border }),
  font: font => ({ font }),

  string: string => ({ string }),

/* base type declaration */
proprietaryDefinitions.types.font.base = 'dimension'
proprietaryDefinitions.types.border.base = 'dimension'
proprietaryDefinitions.types.spacing.base = 'dimension'

/* Values are primary constants used to define style property values in the resulting variants */
proprietaryDefinitions.values = {
  dimension: {
    sub: scale(0.2),
    small: scale(0.5),
    normal: scale(1),
    big: scale(1.5),
    bigger: scale(2),
    giant: scale(2.5),
    monumental: scale(5)
  pallete: {
    link: color("#4169e1"),
    success: color("#11cc11"),
    alert: color("#ff1111"),
    attention: color("#ffcc00"),
    primary: color("#000000"),
    secondary: color("#ffffff"),
    filled: color("#222222"),
    disabled: color("#555555"),
    empty: color("#eeeeee"),
    transparent: color("#00000000")

/* Variants are combinations of constraints from which variant style property names and values are going to be generated.

Note that Types are also Constraints and referenced by name (as in values.font, values.shadow).

Take a look at barestyle/defaults.js
proprietaryDefinitions.variants = ({ rules, values }) => ({
  ...defaults.variants({ rules, values }),

    combine pallete values names (primary, secondary...) + vector rules names (fill) generating variants like:
  vectors: [values.pallete, rules.vectors],

  /* combine scaling + fontSize generating variants like: small-text, heavy-text */
  typography: [values.font, rules.typography],

  /* generates:
    <Section horizontal> ...
    <Section vertical> */
  orientation: [values.orientation, rules.orientation],

  /* generates:
  shadow: [values.shadow, optional(values.pallete), rules.shadow],

  borders: [values.border, optional(values.pallete), rules.borders, rules.sides]


  Transformers are used to apply final transformations on constraints accumulated in the chain.

function identify() {
  let native = false
  try { native = !!require("react-native") } catch (e) {}
  return { native, web: !native }

const { native, web } = identify()

proprietaryDefinitions.transformers: props => [

  /* defining cross platform borders definitions */
    parameters: ["border"],
    transformation: ({ border, color }, { name }) => Object.assign({
      [name+'Width']: unit(border),
      [name+'Color']: '#333'
    }, web && {
      [name+'Style']: 'solid',

  /* combining border (dimension derivate) + color constraints */
    parameters: ["border", "color"],
    transformation: ({ border, color }, { name }) => Object.assign({
      [name+'Width']: unit(border),
      [name+'Color']: color
    }, web && {
      [name+'Style']: 'solid',

  /* transforming raw shadow values in styled rules */
    parameters: ["shadow"],
    transformation: ({ shadow }) => 
      web && `0 0 ${unit(shadow)} #6666`
      || ({
        shadowRadius: unit(shadow),
        shadowColor: '#6666',
        elevation: unit(shadow)

  /* combining shadow (dimension derivate) + color constraints */
    parameters: ["shadow", "color"],
    transformation: ({ shadow, color }) => 
      web && `0 0 ${unit(shadow)} ${color}`
      || ({
        shadowRadius: unit(shadow),
        shadowColor: color,
        elevation: unit(shadow)

  /*  transformation using styled components properties */
    parameters: ["border", "color"],
    transformation: ({ border, color }) => `;
      borderWidth: ${unit(border)};
      borderStyle: solid;
      borderColor: ${color};

  /* combining scale + color constraints to create color tone variations */
    parameters: ["scale", "color"],
    transformation: ({ scale, color }) => {
      const intColors = parseHex(color);
      const factor = 1 / scale;
      const calculate = value => Math.min(255, Math.round(factor * value));
      const calculated = intColors.map(calculate);
      return `#${calculated.map(toHex).join("")}`;

/* Themes can easily be generated by merging them with appropriate proprietaryDefinitions properties */
const availableThemes = [
    values: {
      pallete: {
        primary: "#000000",
        secondary: "#ffffff",
        link: "#4169e1"
    values: {
      pallete: {
        primary: "#ffffff",
        secondary: "#000000",
        link: "#ffcc00"

let assembledVariations = assemble(variations, hooks);

const bareStyle = props => applyVariants(assembledVariations, props);

/* In this case, availableThemes are being merged on values.pallete property */
const applyTheme = (theme, definitions = proprietary) => {
  Object.assign(variations, generator(merge(definitions, theme)));
  assembledVariations = assemble(variations, hooks);

/* Use this method anywhere to change variations theme */

export { bareStyle, unit, applyTheme, availableThemes };

3. Implementation


Check defaults.js and projects for real case

import { bareStyle } from "~/Appearance";

const BareComponent = ({ TagType='div', ...props }) => (
  <TagType {...bareStyle(props)} />

Bare Style can be easily integrated with Styled System and Styled Components:

In Appearance.js:bareStyle() just remember to return the style property only:


import { assemble } from "barestyle";

const assembled = assemble(variations);

const bareStyle = props => applyVariants(assembled, props).style; /* HERE */

export { bareStyle, unit };

In your component implementation, add if after styled-system:

import styled from 'styled-components/native';

import { typography, color, space, layout } from 'styled-system';

import { bareStyle } from '~/Appearance';

/* using bareStyle with styled componentes and styled system */
export const Text = styled.Text`

4. Instantiation


Once you grasp the variant declaration syntax it'll be easy to compose new variant definitions


Going beyond, Components.js:

import { assemble } from "barestyle";

const { values, rules } = defaults

const unit = unit => `${2 * unit}rem`

const variations = generator({
  types: { unit }

const assembled = assemble(variations)

const Bare = ({ Tag = 'div', ...props }) => <Tag {...applyVariants(assembled, props)} />

const Section = ({ ...props }) => <Bare flex {...props} />

const Square = props => <Bare three-width three-height {...props} />

const Text = props => <Bare Tag="p" primary-foreground {...props} />;

const Link = props => (
  <Text Tag="a" no-decoration link-foreground {...props} />

const Image = props => (
  <Bare Tag="img" normal-round normal-shadow {...props} />

const Path = props => <Bare Tag="path" primary-fill {...props} />;

const Button = props => <Square use-mouse {...props} />

Deprecation Schedule


Deadline Version Feature Purpose



Version Documentation Description Breaking Change
1.4.3 Enables use of inline style arrays (completion)
1.4.2 Enables use of inline style arrays
1.4.1 Updates example to use hooks variants Actually functional Hooks Variants (check example source) Removes full (Use full-flex explicitly), dimension-round (More coherently use dimension-radius) variants
1.4.0 Complements defaults documentation Adds metric values, border metric variants
1.3.9 Adds scaling transform/border variants
1.3.8 Adds fragment
1.3.7 Update example with assemble, hooks variants - Adds scale default variant

- applyVariants now accept method variants
1.3.6 Add transition values, transformation
1.3.5 Add flex transition value
1.3.4 Add transition, transform default variants
1.3.3 Add opacity, apex (zIndex) default variants
1.3.2 Add drop width, borderRadius default variants
1.3.1 Update alpha color transformation
1.3.0 Update readme
1.2.9 Updates example to use applyVariants - Adds variants:
all/none pointer events,
none overflow,
display table-cell,
position absolute/relative...,
spacing (margin + padding),
scaling area (width + height),
positioning (top, left, bottom, inset...)

- Adds alpha color transformation

- Adds applyVariants to barestyle exports
Overflow variants are inverted (vertical-flow turns into flow-vertical, no-flow-vertical...)
1.2.8 Updates readme Add default display variants
1.2.7 Draft flex rules
1.2.6 Update default base types typo
1.2.5 Update example
1.2.4 Update readme
1.2.3 Update readme
1.2.2 Draft code documentation
1.2.1 - Add default flex variants

- Add base types
Derived types require base type declaration
1.2.0 Add default dimension variants
1.1.9 Update example
1.1.8 Add default percentile variants
1.1.7 Add default scaling variants
1.1.6 Update readme
1.1.5 Update readme
1.1.4 Update readme
1.1.3 Update readme
1.1.2 Update example
1.1.1 Update readme
1.1.0 Link to demo
1.0.9 Add Example
1.0.8 Add missing default prop
1.0.7 NPM Link
1.0.5 Add platform aware default transformations
1.0.4 NPM Links
1.0.3 Add text alignment default variations
1.0.2 Add border decoration default variations
1.0.1 Add Readme
1.0.0 First version