
Smolyak sparse grid interpolation sandbox

Primary LanguagePython

Smolyak Sparse Grid Interpolation

This library is an implementation of Smolyak’s Sparse Grid Algorithm for solving integration and interpolation problems in d-dim spaces with far fewer function evaluations than needed with traditional tensor production integration / interpolation.


This library is mostly a sandbox for testing sparse grid applications

I deeply vampirized Michael Tompkins implementation https://github.com/geofizx/Sparse-Grid-Interpolation The major updates are based on code cleaning and interface. Note that I did not optimize the code for speed (yet).

This library currently implements Smolyak's algorithm for two polynomial bases:

  • Clenshaw-Curtis - Piecewise Linear Basis Functions
  • Chebyshev Polynomials - Cos Basis Functions

All goes through the same interface class SparseInterpolator.


import numpy as np
from sparsegrid import SparseInterpolator

def func(x):
    """ Example function for 2d data """
    func2d = ((
        0.5 / np.pi * x[:, 0] -
        .51 / (.4 * np.pi ** 2) * x[:, 0] ** 2 +
        x[:, 1] - (.6)) ** 2 + (1 - 1 / (.8 * np.pi)) * np.cos(x[:, 0]) + .10)
    return func2d

dim = 2                   # Dimensionality of function to interpolate
level_max = 6             # Maximum degree of interpolation
shape = Nx, Ny = 21, 21   # values on x and y

Ntot = Nx * Ny
x = np.linspace(0, 1, Nx)
y = np.linspace(0, 1, Ny)
X,  Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
gridout = np.asarray([X.reshape(Ntot), Y.reshape(Ntot)]).T

integration_interval = np.asarray([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]]).T
interpolation_type = 'CH'
interp = SparseInterpolator(level_max, dim,
# fitting returns also the interpolated values
output = interp.fit(func, gridout)
# one can evaluate the interpolation at any other point futher on
output = interp.evaluate(gridout)


Sergey Smolyak introduced a numerical technique where the number of grid points needed to approximate grew polynomially instead of exponentially. The idea behind this technique is that some elements produced by tensor-product rules are more important for representing multidimensional functions than the others.

The tensor-product typically takes as parameters the dimension of the grid and the number of points, n to be evaluated at in each dimension which produces a grid with n^d points. Note that for non-regular grid where the number of points is different in each dimension, the resulting number of points is eventually similar.

The Smolyak grid takes an accuracy parameter and the number of dimensions d as parameters. The number of Smolyak grid points is then deterministic:

n(d = 1) = 1 + 2 d,
n(d = 2) = 1 + 4d + 4d(d-1),

Notice that the number of grid points grows linearly with d = 1, and quadratically with d=2 ...

The standard construction of a Smolyak grid uses nested sets of points. One typically uses the extrema of the Chebyshev Polynomials, which are known as the Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto points.

Smolyak interpolation consists of two objects: a grid and a interpolating polynomial. Typically, the sparse grid is generated using nested sets of the extrema of the Chebychev polynomials. Similarly, the polynomial is constructed using nested sets of uni-dimensional basis polynomials (generally Chebychev polynomials of the first kind). There have been numerous applications of this procedure to economic models.

A few implementation examples are:

  • Krueger and Kubler (2004)
  • Klemke and Wohlmuth (2005)
  • Malin, Krueger, and Kubler (2007)
  • Malin, Krueger, and Kubler (2011)
  • Gordon (2011)


  • Barthelmann, V., E. Novak, and K. Ritter, 2000, High dimensional polynomial interpolation on sparse grids, Adv. in Comput. Math., 12, 273–288.
  • Gordon (2011)
  • Krueger and Kubler (2004)
  • Klemke and Wohlmuth (2005)
  • Malin, Krueger, and Kubler (2007)
  • Malin, Krueger, and Kubler (2011)
  • Smolyak, S., 1963, Quadrature and interpolation formulas for tensor products of certain classes of functions, Soviet Math. Dokl., 4, 240-243.
  • Waldvogel, J., 2003, Fast construction of the Fejér and Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rules, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 43(1), 1-18.