Generate target samples
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Fansgithub2019 commented
Thank you for your contribution, I have some doubts in the experiment, I hope you can answer.
First question:
In gan_synthesis.ipynb,
audio = load_wav_to_torch('data_16khz/zcathy/cathy.wav', SAMPLING_RATE)
audio /= MAX_WAV_VALUE
audio = audio[None, :]
reference_mel = taco_stft.mel_spectrogram(audio)[0]
print(reference_mel.min(), reference_mel.max())
mel -= mel.min()
mel = mel / mel.max()
mel = mel * reference_mel.max()
print(mel.min(), mel.max())**
Is mel = mel * reference_mel.max() the matching of the generated fake audio with the real audio?
I don't quite understand how to use the trained G_NET to generate the voiceprint audio that matches the target.
Second question:
Is gan_attack.ipynb a target attack?
The target ID you set is 0. Can this be modified and replaced with another ID?
Looking forward to your reply!
rafaelvalle commented
1a) That scales the target mel-spectrogram to the target mel-spectrogram.
1b) samples = G_net(noise)
generates fake samples.
2)Yes, it is a targeted attack.
rafaelvalle commented
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