
[Android Bootcamp] Project 4: Twitter App Client #4

rafagcamargo opened this issue · 1 comments

My app is complete, please review. /cc @codepathreview @codepath.

Good work Rafael. A few notes after checking out the code:

  • Good to see you completed all required stories and few optional stories.
  • Nice to see you played around with styling the sliding tab strip
  • In the future, definitely consider additional polish for the UI by reviewing the cloning a screen tutorial and Q&A and the drawables guide.
  • Glad to see you properly hooked up each of the different timelines to infinitely paginate.
  • For a future exercise, challenge yourself to move even more of the logic into the base Fragment class and out of the extension timeline fragments.
  • Consider adding local persistence of tweets by using ActiveAndroid in the Tweet and User. See the persistence guide and this other guide for more details.

Here's a detailed Project 4 Feedback Guide here which covers the most common issues with this submitted project. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine how you might be able to improve your submission.

This week (Week 5), we are going to cover the last major piece to the Android puzzle and that is using the hardware and SDK components such as the camera, photo gallery, location, maps, etc. After that, Week 6 and week 7 we will be covering a few important intermediate topics such as more about styling and animation as well as testing.

Following the bootcamp, we are going to have a public demo day to celebrate the progress you've all made with our next batch of Android students and multiple companies attending to see the group projects that you all have built. We are going to help however we can over the next few weeks to get the team project apps in shape for that.