Take Home Test - Sr. Backend Developer @ Internations


  1. Clone repository and move to folder
  2. Copy .env.example to .env and fill database details
  3. Run composer install
  4. Set app key with php artisan key:generate
  5. Set JWT key with php artisan jwt:secret
  6. Migrate database php artisan migrate --seed
  7. Run development server with php artisan serve

Now, you have a default admin: User: admin@example.com Password: secret


By default entry point is

Login with /auth/login and use returned token as an Authorization header.

Check line 30 in \routes\api.php to disable authentication.

Check the complete docs in this postman collection

Each entity has its methods in a standalone controller found in app\Http\API they contain validation, which in this test is just checking if a name parameter exists.

In the group controller special attention was made when deleting, the destroy methods validates if the group has users and returns an error. On the contrary users can be deleted anytime, if they belong to any group they will be detached first, this rule is enforced via the database with a ON DELETE cascade clause in the foreign key.

Also the cases when a user is added to a group but it already exists, and when a user is removed but it doesn't exist are validated in which case will return an error with a 409 response code.


You can login via web with the same admin credentials for a very basic, read-only browsing, it will show users, groups and its details.

By Jose Rafael Hernandez