
How to set notifications to be at the same position as the application?

adrilolo9 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I was wondering how can I set the notifications at the same position that the application currently is, what I mean by saying that is that in case of some app goes on top of my main application the notification hides behind that new app, you'll clearly see what I mean in the next pictures. Thanks.


This is because topmost option is enabled by default. You can disable it like this:

new Notifier(cfg =>
                cfg.PositionProvider = CreatePositionProvider(corner, relation);
                cfg.LifetimeSupervisor = CreateLifetimeSupervisor(lifetime);
                cfg.Dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
                cfg.DisplayOptions.TopMost = false;

Best regards

Thank you very much :)