
Enable testing with tox

rafguns opened this issue · 3 comments

Something like waf may do the trick. I'm thinking of e.g.:

# Create a tarball
git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=linkpred/ HEAD > linkpred.tar.gz

# Create an installer
pyinstaller linkpred.spec

# Do all tests and count coverage
nosetests --with-doctest --with-coverage --cover-package=linkpred

Alternative: do this in setup.py. This guide shows a way to do testing through python setup.py test.

Testing as described in #2 (comment) is now deprecated in favour of tox.

Fixed in 65e76c6.

To use this, first pip install tox and then simply run tox. If you want to restrict to a specific version (e.g. Python 3.6), run tox -e py36.