
Support for multiple event handlers

leonardssh opened this issue · 2 comments

I got a dm from a guy who used mp.events.add something like:

    'eventName': (eventArgs) => { },

I sat and looked over the code for a bit, and managed to make a variant, except that after the first event, typescript concatenates the arguments with the next, resulting in a very large and useless type.

interface IServerEvents {
    entityCreated: (entity: any) => void;
    entityModelChange: (entity: any, oldModel: number) => void;
    packagesLoaded: () => void;
    playerChat: (player: any, text: string) => void;
    playerCommand: (player: any, command: string) => void;

declare function add<K extends keyof IServerEvents>(eventHandlers: Record<K, IServerEvents[K]>): void;
declare function add<K extends keyof IServerEvents>(eventName: K, callback: IServerEvents[K]): void;
declare function add(eventName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): void;

add('entityCreated', () => {});
add('playerCommand', (player, command) => {})
    // (property) playerChat: (player: any, text: string) => void
    'playerChat': (player, text) => {},

    // (property) entityCreated: ((entity: any) => void) | ((player: any, text: string) => void)
    'playerCommand': (player, command) => {},
    'entityCreated': () => {}

See in Typescript Playground

I've added a quick fix for this problem until I figure out how to fix it. See commit leonardssh@db5ed55.

Thx to @vladfrangu. 😊