
My work as I sail through the magnificent sea of SICP! <3 :)

Primary LanguageScheme

My work on SICP

SICP = Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, the legendary text-book as well as course on Programming taught by Professors Harold Abelson & Gerald Sussman at MIT.

This course was traditionally taught using the Scheme language, which is a dialect of LISP.

This repo contains some of my programs as I sail through the awesome SICP, the 'Wizard book', as it is popularly known.

This book is a must-have, & the accompanying lectures of 1980's are also strongly recommended for all programmers! There's an interesting review by Peter Norvig here.

And in case you do not have the hard-copy, the book is available online here.

Enjoy! <3 :)

Cheers and Best Wishes!

Raghu Ugare (Planet Earth)

Some useful links: