
Could this code take as input the matrix elements of two-body chiral effective interaction?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Could this code take as input the matrix elements generated by this code ?
If so, how to set the valence space?

Yes, it can. The ModelSpace class can be initialized with three arguments,
ModelSpace ms(emax, reference, valence)
where emax is an integer, reference is a string, like "O16", and valence is a string like "sd-shell". You can also choose "p-shell" or "fp-shell", or various other options, and there is the ability to define a custom valence space. But rather than going into that here, I should just work on producing some proper documentation.

In any case, this is a question about usage rather than a bug, so I'm closing and suggesting further questions be posted to the "Discussions" tab.

In any case, this is a question about usage rather than a bug, so I'm closing and suggesting further questions be posted to the "Discussions" tab.

I'm interested more in larger spaces like sdg valence space where Sn132 is the core and s.p.e are of Sn131, s.h.e are of Sb133. I wonder if it is still implementable.