
Swift Framework for AssessmentCenter API

Primary LanguageSwift


Swift framework for Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PRO-Measures). Computer Adaptive Test (backed by Item Response Theory) provided by AssessmentCenter at Northwestern University.


AssessmentCenter Framework module includes ResearchKit as a submodule. AC by itself only utilizes its Survey module. Applications can potentially add other ResearchKit modules if required.


  • Update to Swift 5.0
  • ResearchKit 2.0

Getting Started


$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/raheelsayeed/AssessmentCenter.git
  1. Add AssessmentCenter.xcodeproj and ResearchKit.xcodeproj into the project directory of your app in Xcode.
  2. Build the Frameworks in Xcode.
  3. Link and embed the AssessmentCenter.framework and ResearchKit.framework by selecting your app's target > Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries and Embed Frameworks.

Initialize by creating a ACClient

import AssessmentCenter

// initialize Assessment Center Client
let baseURLString = "<# https://www.assessmentcenter.net/ac_api/.. #>"
let accessId = "<# AccessIdentifier #>" 
let accessToken = "<# AccessToken #>"

let client = ACClient(baseURL: URL(string: baseURLString)!, accessIdentifier: accessId, token: accessToken)

List all available instruments provided by the Assessment Center.

// Fetches a list of available of `ACForm` from Assessment Center
client.listForms { (list) in
	if let list = list {
		list.forEach{ print($0.title!) }

Instrument Session

  • ACForm is passed to ACTaskViewController a subclass of ORKTaskViewController
  • Each response is sent to AssessmentCenter to get the next question.
// Initialise `ACForm` with OID.
// Alternatively, `client.listForms()`
let instrumentForm = ACForm(_oid: "<# AC Form OID #>", _title: "<# PROMIS Sleep #>", _loinc: "<# LOINC Code #>")

// Downloads complete instrument with questions and responses
// Complete instrument `ACForm` is passed to create a `ORKTaskViewController` (ResearchKit's QA Interface)

client.form(acform: form, completion: { [unowned self] (completeForm) in 
    DispatchQueue.main.sync {
        if let completeForm = completeForm {
            // ACTaskViewController is a subclass of ORKTaskViewController (ResearchKit)
            let taskViewController = ACTaskViewController(acform: completeForm, client: client, sessionIdentifier: "Neuro-Clinic-testing")
            self.present(taskViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)