Swift framework for Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PRO-Measures). Computer Adaptive Test (backed by Item Response Theory) provided by AssessmentCenter at Northwestern University.
Framework module includes ResearchKit
as a submodule. AC by itself only utilizes its Survey module. Applications can potentially add other ResearchKit
modules if required.
- Update to Swift 5.0
- ResearchKit 2.0
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/raheelsayeed/AssessmentCenter.git
- Add
into the project directory of your app in Xcode. - Build the Frameworks in Xcode.
- Link and embed the
by selecting your app's target > Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries and Embed Frameworks.
import AssessmentCenter
// initialize Assessment Center Client
let baseURLString = "<# https://www.assessmentcenter.net/ac_api/.. #>"
let accessId = "<# AccessIdentifier #>"
let accessToken = "<# AccessToken #>"
let client = ACClient(baseURL: URL(string: baseURLString)!, accessIdentifier: accessId, token: accessToken)
// Fetches a list of available of `ACForm` from Assessment Center
client.listForms { (list) in
if let list = list {
list.forEach{ print($0.title!) }
is passed toACTaskViewController
a subclass ofORKTaskViewController
- Each response is sent to AssessmentCenter to get the next question.
// Initialise `ACForm` with OID.
// Alternatively, `client.listForms()`
let instrumentForm = ACForm(_oid: "<# AC Form OID #>", _title: "<# PROMIS Sleep #>", _loinc: "<# LOINC Code #>")
// Downloads complete instrument with questions and responses
// Complete instrument `ACForm` is passed to create a `ORKTaskViewController` (ResearchKit's QA Interface)
client.form(acform: form, completion: { [unowned self] (completeForm) in
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
if let completeForm = completeForm {
// ACTaskViewController is a subclass of ORKTaskViewController (ResearchKit)
let taskViewController = ACTaskViewController(acform: completeForm, client: client, sessionIdentifier: "Neuro-Clinic-testing")
self.present(taskViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)