My first RayCaster with miniLibX

This project demonstrates ray casting using C programming language with the Minilibx library. Ray casting is a technique used in computer graphics for rendering 3D scenes by simulating the path of light rays.


This repository contains a ray casting implementation in C using the Minilibx library. It showcases basic demos and examples to illustrate the ray casting concept.

Ray Casting Demo


Before running the project, ensure you have the following:

  • C Compiler: Install a C compiler such as GCC.
  • Minilibx Library: Install and configure the Minilibx library. (Provide installation instructions or link to resources for Minilibx setup if needed.)
  • header file :
  •   `# include "/nfs/homes/arahmoun/Downloads/minilibx-linux/mlx.h"`  (path where your minilibx location)
  •   `# include "/nfs/homes/arahmoun/Downloads/minilibx-linux/mlx_int.h"` (path where your minilibx location)

To use this project:

  1. Clone the Repository: git clone
  2. Build the Project: cd cub_3d and make
  3. Run the Demos: Execute the Cub3d program to see ray casting in action.

Example commands:

make            # Compile the project
./Cub3d maps/pro.cub
./Cub3d maps/flech.cub