
Solutions for the coding interview questions from https://thedailybyte.dev/

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Solutions for the coding interview questions from THE DAILY BYTE using Python

The credits for the questions goes to THE DAILY BYTE. Subscribe THE DAILY BYTE for receiving interview questions through mail.


  1. Reverse String
  2. Valid Palindrome
  3. Vacuum Cleaner Route
  4. Correct Capitalization
  5. Add Binary
  6. Valid Palindrome with Removal
  7. Two Sum
  8. Jewels and Stones
  9. Valid Anagram
  10. First Unique Character
  11. Spot the Difference
  12. Intersection of Numbers
  13. Uncommon Words
  14. Longest Common Prefix
  15. Validate Opening and Closing Braces
  16. Compare Keystrokes
  17. Remove Adjacent Duplicates
  18. Greater Elements
  19. Call Counter
  20. Moving Average
  21. Work Schedule
  22. Sum to Target
  23. Where's the Minimum
  24. String Addition
  25. Find Value
  26. Restaurants
  27. Continuous Sums
  28. Common Values
  29. Most Popular
  30. Final Digit
  31. Microsoft Paint
  32. Missing Numbers
  33. Theft
  34. Roman Numerals
  35. Spelling Bee
  36. Insert value
  37. Gift Card Codes
  38. All Equal
  39. Plus to Minus
  40. Largest Unique Value
  41. Max Chain
  42. No Duplicates
  43. Add Zeros
  44. Square Roots
  45. Find Bunches
  46. One Value


  1. Queue Stack

Linked Lists

  1. Merge Linked Lists
  2. Remove Nth to Last Node
  3. Remove Value
  4. Find Middle Element
  5. Contains Cycle
  6. Return Start of Cycle
  7. Reverse List