
methods of computational physics - monte carlo, verlet method for molecular dynamics and the like

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computational physics

implemented so far

  • classical scattering -- need to correct the codes to fix the difference between the theoretical and simulated values.
  • ising model in 1d and 2d -- to be implemented in C/C++, followed by an implementation using MPI.
  • molecular dynamics using the velocity verlet algorithm -- need to correct the radial distribution function to consider constant bin size instead of leaving it up to matplotlib.pyplot.hist -- correct the parallelized implementation to measure force
  • NVT hard ball using monte carlo -- correct the radial distribution function
  • NVT and NPT using monte carlo -- correct the radial distribution function -- correct the parallized implementation to measure force
  • RK2 and RK4 to study a simple harmonic oscillator -- refer to this lecture notes on the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method of adaptive step size RK
  • adaptive step size rk methods - step halving method and step scaling RK-Fehlberg method

to implement

  • quantum scattering
  • anharmonic oscillator using RK4, coupled harmonic oscillator and n-coupled harmonic oscillator
  • unbrella sampling and the free energy of a polymer
  • entropic sampling, entropy of an ising model and it's free energy
  • differential equation solver i.e solutions to the wave equation and the heat equation