
ideas/projects that I hope to work on in the near/distant future

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ideas/projects that I hope to work on in the near/distant future

  1. a map of nations where clicking on any nation will provide information on how their currency looks (paper and coin), how it compares to the $, what ffraction of their transactions are done digitally vs in cash. Of specific interest to me is how each country tries preventing counterfiet notes and coins. More items to include would be what materials the currency (notes and coins) are made of, what denominations are available.

  2. Colors and what items were used to make them in the past. Before we were able to manufacture colors on an industrial scale, natural plants were used to generate colors. What plants and what colors?

  3. Elements and the items you most prolly find them in e.g. Carbon -> living organisms. Oxygen, Nitrogen -> Air. Mg? Al? Ni?

  4. Given an item, guess what all elements are present in the item.

  5. An AR app that will be able to recognize objects in front of the camera, annotate them with basic information of the object's identity and provide further information on composition. It'd also be interesting to know of any interesting history that the object has.

  6. An AR educational app.

  7. a social network that asks you to pay to join. it wont track you, it wont sell your data, it will promote active discussions and share opposing points of view. promoting paid services is going to pay off in the long term because we have a network that is willing to pay.

  8. Twitter API for info on people im following, starting with info on tweets, retweets and so on - to understand who is crowding my feed.

  9. build a scaled model of the solar system.

  10. how does a human microbiome compare to a primate microbiome?

  11. Indian national parks

  12. compare roadworks vs railways budget; how much money goes into building/maintaining roads vs tracks

  13. dude where's my flight

  14. dude where's the ATM

  15. the equivalent of the US collegescorecard for Indian unis. https://collegescorecard.ed.gov

  16. what do we do with India's water levels - https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/india_water.html

  17. isochrone of travel time to various locations in Indian metro cities - WaPo D.C. public transit

  18. make a dummy android app with access to the fastah project, install app on cheap phones and give it to a taxi driver i can trust. or put them on multiple drones and automate their movement. popularize the app to get more people to use it.

  19. Errors in various languages - how similar and different they are. which language has the most readable and helpful error messages and what is the policy?

  20. a bicycle rent startup - start at big colleges e.g. IIT, NIT, BITS, SRM, VIT etc. see Chinese equivalents

  21. an AddOn that logs the download size of every page. or better, simply crawl the web and log how big the pages are. one website at a time.

  22. a browser that automatically opens webpages in reading mode - stripping out all of the images, notifying the user when a page had heavy use of JS and what not.

  23. create website where graduates can provide advice, in person, to school students or parents looking for information on college programs.

  24. create a website where college grad students can provide their contact information. rather, this could simply be a dept webpage ripoff.

  25. saffron and where it is grown. is it grown in India? if not, why not?

  26. Use and integrate Scratch and MineCraft into the Indian educational system, especially in < K-12 education.

  27. Interactive SandBox

  28. where are the railway incident reports? e.g, why did the train 12125 get delayed for ~2 hours on 18 july 2017

  29. why should passengers have to check online whether or not the train is delayed? why do they have to memorise when a station should've been reached? why no easy/offline way?

  30. message service that returns ATM locations given PIN code or street name, city.

  31. pin code summary - how many, what, where etc. e.g. what is the average area that a pin code covers etc.

  32. AR in construction - think repairmen wearing goggles being able to see where all the wiring and pipes are for a building, roadworkers being able to see where the important pipelines are underground etc. google glass for enterprise!!!

    • what jobs already need a hard hat and googgles? - easiest jobs to introduce AR into. the question becomes how will AR help and not how to integrate the AR equipment into work
  33. how many emails on arXiv are active i.e. how many faculty have moved without updating their email addresses on papers? why doesn't arXiv have profiles where authors can update email information!

  34. map showing ATMs in a region - map showing which ATMs show information in various languages!

  35. crash testing autos

  36. human scavengers - can we automatate their job?

  37. science fact of the day - tweets, fb, blog. after an year, print and store. repeat.

  38. goFundMe for Indian atheletes.

  39. software that performs linear regression and then lets you interactively choose points/regions to exclude from the regression analysis -> this will be useful in classification too where after a first iteration, the users can visually choose and ignore outliers in iterating on the classification, instead of going back to the code and changing things!

  40. toilet floors that water can seep through - so that the floors remain dry. a good place to experiment would be the toilets in Indian Railways coaches.

  41. DuckDuckGo should start an Amazon rival - one which doesn't need an account to be able to order items. People using DuckDuckGo are already privacy-conscious and would prolly be interested in an online marketplace that doesn't track your shopping.

  42. infant and new mother mortality rates in india vs other countries.

  43. search for availability of train on the day before expected departure. are there trains with > X number of empty seats at departure? e.g. Sec-Pune shatabdi.

  44. what is the language distribution of major/minor cities in India? what fraction of peoples in a state have visitied other states in India?

  45. map people density in cities and determine centroids - ideal place to place public transport. then map roads and recalculate weighted centroids. then place actual public stations and compare.

    • other public services like police and fire stations, cellular and wireless networks etc.