Team Name

TPL - The Planned Leftovers

Team members

Rahul Sonone


Create a technology-based solution to put an end to food waste in the home

Applied License


Problem Statement

50% of food waste is generated by consumers and households generate the most amount of food waste. [1] One of the mian reasons for food waste generation is due to poor planning of households - over-estimating the amount of food that they need and as a result throwing away excess food before they turn bad.

Therefore, the question is: How might we help households make use of their leftover resources fully, and make better purchasing decisions?

Solution: The Planned Leftovers

Our solution is a food planning platform (web app) that provides inspiration for leftover food and cultivates consumers' purchasing habits by recommending the right amount of ingredients to purchase, and this tackles these 2 challenges:

Food wastage

By recommending consumers' recipes that they can cook with the leftover food or ingredients that they have, it allows them to not throw their food away, but make use of them wisely. Features:

  • Inspire through recommendation of recipes related to leftover food
  • Be notified of when there are additional food that is not consumed yet so actions can be taken

Poor Purchase Planning

Our solution allows households to plan their meals beforehand, and gives them the exact amount of ingredients to buy for a recipe they have chosen based on what else they lack in their kitchen. Users get their shopping list and are able to buy whatever is necessary, limiting their food waste. This behaviour encourages households to consider planning for their meals, and make better decisions when it comes to their purchasing habits. Features:

  • Know exactly how much ingredients would be needed for the meals
  • Buy carefully
  • Cultivate habit of planning so that ingredients are optimised

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Technologies / Languages

  • ⚛️ React.js
  • 💻JavaScript
  • 💅 Styled components
  • 🌄 Unsplash
  • 🎨 Ant-design

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

References [1]