How do I create notifications for comment replies?
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Hi! I've threaded commentable comment system on my app. I've been able to create notifications for a new comment. However, whenever a reply is added to a comment, the for example gets the notification as a new comment. So my question is how do I create notification for replies too in such a way that when a reply is posted on a comment, the owner of the comment and the should get notified of a reply and now as new comment?
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :parent, class_name: 'Comment', optional: true
has_many :replies, class_name: 'Comment', foreign_key: :parent_id, dependent: :destroy
validates :content, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 }
after_commit :notify_comment_created, on: [:create]
def notify_comment_created
return if self.commentable.blank?
receiver_id = self.commentable&.user_id
return if receiver_id.blank?
# notified_user_ids = self.mentioned_user_ids || []
# return if notified_user_ids.include?(receiver_id)
notify_type: "comment",
target: self,
second_target: self.commentable,
actor_id: self.user_id,
user_id: receiver_id