
After updating to rails 7 the ActionView::Template::Error (unknown keyword: :database) because of ros-apartment gem

muhammadshoaib0k0 opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to reproduce
file.variant(resize_to_limit: [64, 64]).processed
Here file is the attachment it creates a variant record and returns an URL. But its returns an error unknown keyword: : database and does not insert the record in DB.

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

System configuration

  • Database:

  • Apartment version:

  • gem 'ros-apartment', require: 'apartment' latest version

    • use_schemas: (true or false)
  • Rails (or ActiveRecord) version:

  • Ruby version:
    rails (ruby-3.1.2)

Rails 7 removed the database: keyword for connected_to. Here is a PR: #194