
Incompatibility with Podman (Error: statfs no such file or directory)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I follow the instruction in the readme, created a volume, aliased rails.

but when i run rails new blog i got this error:


PS: i am on mac and use podman as alternative of docker. i dont know if its because of podman or the issue with docker image.

dhh commented

I can't replicate this on a fresh macOS install running Docker for Mac. So I'm going to suspect it's a Podman issue. Do let us know if you figure out what the Podman issue is. Or if you don't have the appetite for that, I'd suggest trying Docker for Mac.

@lakuapik I'm not sure how your Podman set-up looks under OSX, but I would guess you do not have the relevant volumes mounted into its underlying VM for (re-)mounting when executing containers within it.

podman machine init suggests there is a --volume option to be passed when initialising the VM to mount volumes from the host; a search for "podman osx mount volume" seems to corroborate it.

yup it turns out it was the podman problem.

my podman machine was running rootless mode, when i stop it then change to rootful mode, somehow it works!

$ podman machine set --rootful podman-machine-default



@dhh @adrianhj thank you!