
migration path not respected when setting up solid_queue on separate database?

Opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Firstly, thank you for all the work on solid queue so far!

Apologies if this is lack of understanding and user-error on my part, but when the docs mention supporting solid queue on a different database than the main app (via connects_to), does that mean that the install/migration commands should automatically pick up on the settings I've defined in my app's config/database.yml for the given connects_to database key, or do I still need to manually tell solid queue which one to use when running those?

Currently, with the config and database.yml settings listed below for a separate :solid_queue db, when I run bin/rails generate solid_queue:install or bin/rails solid_queue:install:migrations, the migration files for the SolidQueue tables are copied to the db/migrate folder, resulting in the tables getting added to the :primary db instead of the :solid_queue one. However, I would have expected the install to copy them to db/solid_queue_migrate, to match the migrations_paths defined in database.yml for the solid_queue db)

# config/application.rb

config.active_job.queue_adapter = :solid_queue
config.solid_queue.connects_to = { database: { writing: :solid_queue, reading: :solid_queue } }
# config/database.yml

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>

solid_queue: &solid_queue
  <<: *default
  migrations_paths: db/solid_queue_migrate

    <<: *default
    database: queue_demo_development
    <<: *solid_queue
    database: queue_demo_solid_queue_development

    <<: *default
    database: queue_demo_test

    <<: *default
    <<: *solid_queue

If I manually pass in the DATABASE as an arg to the migration command (bin/rails solid_queue:install:migrations DATABASE=solid_queue), then things do work as expected, with files copied to db/solid_queue_migrate and added to the solid_queue db). If this is how it's meant to work, maybe that can be made a little clearer in the docs. Thanks!

rosa commented

@dianacamacho, thank you so much for this detailed and carefully written issue! You're spot on, DATABASE=solid_queue (or I think --database solid_queue works as well, but I haven't tested it) is how this should be used.

Would you like to submit a PR to include this in the README?

@rosa sure! i'll get that added to a PR. thanks!

re: --database solid_queue, i also tried that out at first but it returned invalid option: --database ๐Ÿค” . it didn't work unless i passed the db option as DATABASE=solid_queue

rosa commented

Ahhh, great to know, I wasn't sure. Thanks a lot for checking that, @dianacamacho ๐Ÿ™

Sorry for the long delay ๐Ÿ™ˆ doc PR opened here: #225